Monday 21 January 2013

Fieldfare and a Snowy Garden

Heavy snowfall often brings more unusual species to the garden and early this morning I spotted a lone Fieldfare feeding on apples on the lawn. Its been around all day vigorously defending its "larder" from Blackbirds and Wood Pigeons or anything that ventures too close!

A few photos from our snowy garden

Snow Bear built by Brian and David

Sorry for lack of posts recently. I just haven't been anywhere to take any photos. I have been for a few drives and short walks round local lanes but seen nothing worth taking a photo of. Several trips have been made to Hams Hall Distribution Centre where Waxwings are now being seen fairly regularly but needless to say they have all kept well hidden whenever I visit :)

Eighteen species have been added to the Garden Bird 2013 Year list - highlights being Goldcrest and Stock Dove. Worrying absentees are Greenfinch and Coal Tit.

Regular visitors to my blog may recall that for several winters we have had a Wren roosting (and nesting in summer!) in a hanging basket on the patio. During the weekend I saw a Wren entering the basket at dusk closely followed by 3 others. Watched for half an hour the following evening and the four both turned up at the same time within seconds of each other. I shall continue to watch at dusk in the hope that numbers might increase.

To finish a few more shots of the Fieldfare.


  1. Super pictures, I took some of the Fieldfares and Redwings that were on my Ash tree but they are not as good as yours. I was very thrilled to see them though.

  2. You are lucky to have a fieldfare in the garden. Lovely photos.

    We have had no greenfinches here for a year. My best snow visitor this week has been a lone hawfinch. A beautiful bird.

  3. Nice one with the Fieldfare Caroline. Nothing as exciting in my garden today.

  4. Toffeeapple - Many thanks :) Well done on the Fieldfares and Redwings in your garden - always a great sight especially in the garden. Haven't seen any Redwings locally yet this winter.

    The Fieldfare photos were edited a bit as they were taken through the kitchen window. Slight crop and a tweak to the brightness and contrast which makes them look better than the originals!

    Dartford Warbler. Many thanks :)

    We get very few Greenfinches these days.

    What a superb visitor in the Hawfinch. I would have been over the moon - never ever seen one let alone had one in the garden!!


    Many thanks Dean. Really enjoying reading about your bio-blitz btw - great number of species so far :)

  5. Love the photos of the bird feeding against the snow background, something we never see in our backyard.

  6. How wonderful to have a Fieldfare as a visitor to your garden and I have to envy you your four wrens. I have one that visits my garden occasionally so I shall be keeping my eyes open

    Lovely pics of the birds and snowy garden, Caroline!

  7. Ian - Many thanks. The snow can be very pretty and fun but nightmare to drive in :)

    Tricia - Many thanks. We only ever get Fieldfares (and Redwings) in the garden in very snowy icy weather although often see them locally in the winter.

    Look out for the wren going to roost somewhere like a nest box in your garden and if it is watch at dusk because you may have more than one. Stewart From the Notebook was saying on Twitter he had 17 roosting in an old Swallow's nest in an outhouse one year :)

  8. I feel very spoilt with our Fieldfare flocks now! That's interesting what you said about the lack of greenfinches. I haven't seen one for a couple of years up here and just thought it was a height thing. Beautiful photos as ever.

  9. Hi Caroline :-) Well done with the Fieldfare! You managed some great photos. I have had them in my garden too plus a Redwing, two Brambling and today a Pied Wagtail. The snow certainly brings some nice birds in! If only the sun would shine I might be able to get a fairly decent photo, not sure there's much chance of that though.

    Lovely snowy pics too. That Snow Bear is pretty spectacular, very imaginative :-)

  10. Lovely garden photos. It's so pretty with the snow. I've been like and there just enjoying the life and not posting too much. Glad you shared these beauties those. I think those other birds will show up. The Cedar Waxwings have been hiding from me as well. Hope you are well and enjoying the quiet in the garden right now. Beautiful pictures:)

  11. Em Parkinson - Still just the one Fieldfare today! still being very territorial! You are lucky having flocks :)

    Sadly, I think a lot of greenfinches (and chaffinches) are suffering from a new disease which has spread here called Trichomonosis - its badly affecting finch numbers.

    Shy Songbird - Well done on your garden birds especially the Brambling - wonderful:) Brambling is one of my "bogey" birds - never seen one despite "twitching" them!!!! Good luck with getting some photos - it was sunny here for a bit this morning so fingers crossed for you!

    Glad you liked the Snow Bear (I think it was going to be a Polar Bear but they never had time to finish it or add eyes, nose claws etc.!!!)

    Rohrerbot - Many thanks Chris. So glad you are enjoying life and fitting in plenty of birding :)

    Finally caught up with Waxwings this afternoon. Couldn't believe my luck. Spotted a flock in a tree near my mum's Nursing Home. Of course, I didn't have the camera with me but it was wonderful to catch up with such beautiful birds :)

    Good luck with the Cedar Waxwings!

    I'm fine thanks. Still bogged down with dealing with things re: mum but that will go on for some time so trying not to stress too much over it all.

    Enjoying the garden birds the snow has brought in :)

    Keep enjoying your birding and gardening :)

  12. Julian Hargreaves - Many thanks. So glad you enjoyed them :)
