Friday 25 January 2013

Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens in the Snow

I popped to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens for an hour yesterday afternoon. Snow had turned the Gardens into a Winter Wonderland. It was very quiet and peaceful there and I didn't see a single soul as I wandered around.

Upper Wilderness

Lady Bridgeman Garden

The Green House built around 1729

Looking along Holly Walk towards the Summer House

North Orchard

As I walked round the perimeter of the Gardens I followed a set of footprints - I think these were made by a cat.

Looking along the West Claire-vole towards Castle Bromwich Hall

Lamia (a creature from Roman and Greek mythology, half woman and half serpent, who preyed on human beings, perched atop the North-west Pier)

The Mirror Pond in the Extra Gardens was covered in ice

Lower Wilderness

"The Secret Garden"

The Summer House

Parterres and Upper Wilderness

Trellis surrounding the remains of a Gazebo at the end of the Raised Walk.

Upper Wilderness

Castle Bromwich Hall which is now a Hotel.

Usually there are plenty of Redwings around the Gardens at this time of the year but I didn't see any yesterday.

For more information on the Gardens please visit and to visit their blog please follow the link on the right hand side under "My Blog List".


  1. What a lovely set of photos Caroline. As you said it looked like a real Winter Wonderlnd, so pretty and I can't think of anything nicer than having the whole place to yourself, perfect! How amazing to think the Green House has stood there since about 1729, just think of the clothes people would have been wearing when it was built, it seems so odd to think of that.

    We were supposed to have more heavy snow tonight which was forecast to start at 6pm, then they changed it to 9pm but instead we have very heavy rain! I'm a little disappointed as I was hoping it would bring all the lovely Winter visitors into the garden again for RSPB bird count weekend and of course it makes a nice background on photos. It will be nice to be able to get around more easily again though. Did it escape you too?

  2. Lovely set of shots Caroline...but i do wish this white stuff would bugger off.

  3. ShySongbird - Many thanks Jan. The gardens are a wonderful place to escape to especially when you want some solitude :) I often think about people from the past wandering around the gardens when I visit. I often feel I wouldn't be surprised if a lady in a crinoline appeared from nowhere!! :) I know you have a vivid imagination too so I think you would feel the same if you visited there :)

    Similar experience here with forecasted snow! Sleet about 7.00 which quickly became very heavy rain. Roads very icy first thing this morning but now there is a very definite thaw on.

    Just done the RSPB Garden Birdwatch - at least the Fieldfare is still around :) But it was the usual experience that many of the species usually present were absent for the hour:( Will do a post later or tomorrow. Good luck with yours - hope some of those lovely winter visitors you have had recently appear :)

    Deano - Many thanks Dean. You're further North than me and they seem to have had more snow but last night we had heavy rain and snow is now thawing rapidly. Will be glad to see back of it but as Jan said it might have helped attract some winter bird visitors for RSPB bird count :)
    Looks much milder weather next week :)

  4. Oh that's such a lovely collection of photographs - it must have been great to have the whole place virtually to yourself. One thing I have sepecially noticed during this round of snow is how it makeseverywhere sound different too - sort of muffled with no echoes.

  5. Jerry - Thanks very much :) Yes, the Gardens are probably the most tranquil place I know :) Its interesting your comment about sound because I've noticed the difference more this time too! Usually at the Gardens you can hear the sound of traffic on the nearby M6 but last week it sounded much further away than usual. In fact I didn't really notice it all.

  6. Thanks a million Caroline. Lovely photos as usual. Cheers, Graham :o)

  7. Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens - Many thanks Graham for your lovely comment :) I haven't forgotten your book!

  8. I love walking in the snow(with proper shoe/boot) attire:) There is something about the quiet and silent crunching of the snow. One of the things I hope to capture on camera are birds in snow. As you can imagine, Arizona doesn't have much of it:) Really beautiful shots!

  9. Rohrerbot - Many thanks Chris :) Must admit I love snow especially when its still all pristine and white before the thaw!

    Talking of Arizona - I thought of you today. I was reading BBC Wildlife Magazine and they have a great feature on the Grey Fox found in the Sonoran Desert :)

    Hope you eventually get your photos of birds in snow.
