Thursday 13 December 2012

Brandon Marsh NR

We visited Brandon Marsh NR last Saturday for a walk - it was really cold but sunny. There have been several sightings of Waxwings in the car park and by the Visitor Centre but none around when we were there.

Mute Swan

Swallow Pool

Mute Swan


Mute Swan

I found this fungi in New Hare Covert - not sure at all of id although it looks a bit like Chicken of the Woods

Had tea and cake in the tearoom and there was a beautiful sunset as we were leaving.

It was my birthday on Saturday (one of those ending in zero!!) and here's a photo of the cake my family made me. The little plaque commemorating the actual birthday has been cropped off - am a bit coy about my age these days :)

I've still been checking all the local berry trees and bushes for Waxwings without success. A small flock were reported at Hams Hall Distribution Centre two days ago so I visited yesterday and again today. There are zillions of berries and loads of Blackbirds, Redwings and Fieldfares feeding on them but yet again I failed to spot any Waxwings. Talked to a couple of birders who had been at one spot for a while and they had heard them but not seen them.

There are absolutely loads of these berries (Cotoneaster, I think) and here's a Blackbird busy scoffing away.

Managed to get my first photo of a Redwing - not brilliant but they are such beautiful birds I had to post it!


  1. Hello! I found you via Bovey Belle and am so glad I did. Great photographs. I love the Redwing. We had one in the garden a couple of years ago but my camera wasn't up to the job at the time! Writing my blog has spurred me into purchasing a better one which has meant being able to catch our Nuthatch pair feeding amongst other things. Will be following you avidly....

    Best wishes,


  2. Em Parkinson - Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for leaving a comment. Glad you enjoyed my blog and photographs :)

    We've had Redwings in the garden a few times but only during spells of really bad weather. Its hard to get close to them to take photos.

    I must admit I only started writing my blog after having a new camera :)

    I have just visited your blog - what beautiful photos - I will add your blog to my blog list and look forward to reading more.

    Thanks again


  3. Cool photos Caroline.

  4. Hi Caroline, You have had a busy time recently. It looked and sounded like a very nice visit to Brandon, I love the swan photos. I wasn't able to catch even a glimpse of our local Waxwings recently :-(

    Well done on the Redwing. I get them in my garden sometimes in severe, wintry weather.

    I loved the birthday cake! Someone had put a tremendous amount of work into it, I bet you were thrilled. On a zero ending birthday someone in the family flung a white sheet over our car in the driveway with my age painted in huge letters, I was absolutely mortified!!!

  5. Dean - Many thanks - glad you liked the photos :)

    ShySongbird - Hi Jan Glad you liked the photos and I hope you manage a visit to Brandon Marsh at some time as I am sure you would love it there - great mix of habitats and nice place to walk :)

    We occasionally get Redwings (and Fieldfares) in the garden but like yourself only in very cold weather.

    Glad you liked the cake - Brian and David made it (carrot cake - yum) and Brian did most of the decorating. He used to make the children's bday cakes when they were little. I can sympathise completely over the flag I would have felt the same! In fact, I was dreading this particular zero ending bday and the family were good enough not to buy cards with the number on :) I wish I was 21 again!!!

    Good luck in your waxwing quest - it seems it continues for both of us :)

  6. happy birthday Caroline. My next one ending is 0 is starting to loom!

  7. Pete - Many thanks :) I dreaded the 30 one! and the 40 one was horrendous but with two young children I still felt young!!! but thereafter they get worse :( I refuse to think about the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
