Thursday 15 September 2011

Warbler, Grebe and Plum Chutney!

My daughter Emily wanted to go for a pub lunch today and happily she agreed to go to The Plough. The Plough just happens to be situated just over the road from Shustoke Reservoir where a Black-necked Grebe (which would be a local tick for me) had been seen early evening yesterday! Sadly, my history of "dipping" on most unusual bird visitors at this location continued today and the only grebes I could see were great crested and little. Although to be fair I only did a quick scan of the reservoir from the car park and the bird could well have moved on as I haven't seen any reports of further sightings today.

A quick drive round the lanes on the way there produced a lot of pheasants and red-legged partridges in the hedgerows and a kestrel hunting over a field of stubble.

Had our usual lunch in the Plough of "cheesy chips" with the addition this time of a plate of cheesy garlic bread. Healthy not!

Yesterday watched another willow warbler passing through on migration catching insects in the garden.

Yesterday afternoon I indulged in another favourite autumn pastime and made some chutney.

Nice simple recipe with not too many ingredients

The ingredients were soon in the pan and cooking

I haven't tried this recipe before but the chutney looks a lovely colour. The recipe only made one jar but if its any good I'll make double the amount next year.


  1. Looks like you had a beautiful day out and about....I love fall days. Lots of beautiful things to do and oh so much comfort food to be had:) Chris Las Aventuras

  2. Thanks Chris. Yes it was a lovely day. I love the autumn. Can never decide whether spring or autumn is my favourite season! But there is something special about this time of year.
