Sunday, 29 May 2022

Packwood House Gardens

Following the last Herefordshire trip D and I spent an afternoon at Packwood House gardens in Warwickshire and probably the closest NT property to home.  I used to go several times a year but I've only visited once since the pandemic struck!

Packwood House has quite a few sundials on the various buildings.


The house and gardens have some lovely old wooden doors with ironwork.

This is the door to the main house - you couldn't gain entrance after 2.00 pm - not sure if this is new timing or if it was just for the day we visited.

Into the Walled Garden

A lovely display of alliums.

Sunken garden planted these days with drought resistant plants.

Raised Terrace  Walk - this is my favourite part of the garden with borders each side stuffed with perennials.

Bee skeps

This is the famous yew garden said to represent the Sermon on the Mount.  We didn't go up the narrow windy mount path this time as a garden touring party had just ascended and I didnt fancy passing them coming down as we went up.

The orchard - these days in the midst of a wild flower meadow.

Then a walk round the lake.

Before leaving we popped in the kitchen garden.

Ooh! A Painted Lady my first sighting of the year also a Small Tortoiseshell another year tick.

We've just come back from another few days in Herefordshire so a few posts to come.  I visited the interior of two local churches that were locked last time I went.  Both brief visits as B was with me and then we spent a lovely afternoon at Croft Castle where we found a new walk.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera (if anyone wishes to use any of the photos I would be grateful for an email - thanks so much).